My poems and aphorismes
Various writing
My published books
My musical works
My painting and graphic works
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For contact with me
Here at a stretch my various writing's links are quotes
Essayes and Articles:
Tales, Novels and other works:
"The political and economic rise of Japan between '800 and '900".pdf (secondary-school-leaving examination's thesis, in Italian)
"Unites States of America's Counties(with maps)".pdf
"My vision of the world, Collection of political, economic, social articles".pdf
"Energetic Economy and renewable sources, what future, what prospectis"
(pdf version)
"Manifesto for the European Renaissance"
(pdf version)
"The return of global Polis's direct Democracy in the digital connection Era: The Virtual Assembly"
(pdf version)
"A government for a united world: the 5 levels of world federalism"
(pdf version)
"Tool for a more united Europe: The Standard European Language (SEL)"
(pdf version)
"Proposed reform of the italian electoral law"
(pdf version)
"The two great problems of the world: pollution and terrorism and their solution: get rid of the petroleum!"
(pdf version)
"MR Tapir (The Devourer of dreams), 1st edition"
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© Alessandro Mannarini 2011 - 2024