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Tool for a more united Europe:
The Standard European Language (SEL)

Alessandro Mannarini

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The world, increasingly interconnected and globalized, requires a language that allows communication between different peoples, but that does not go at the detriment of the cultural plurality of the same; then a standard language must necessarily accompany and not a substitute for national languages, overcoming the current situation in which a language, English, hegemonising and contaminating other languages.
But because of the linguistic diversity of the various regions of the world very marked, it is virtually impossible, in the present state of culturaal integration between the peoples of the Earth, you can create a standard language understandable and acceptable to all terrestrials. But this problem can be overcome in specific areas of the world, such as Europe, where the historical and linguistical events led to the birth of languages more or less related to each other, almost all belong to the great Indo-European language family.
Moreover, the process of unification of economic, political and social in recent years has tried to advance in Europe suffers the lack of an indispensable tool as would be the use of a single target language that can complement, and in community assemblies as the Parliament and the European Commission to replace, the expensive and slowing use of the single national languages.
So the birth of a Standard European Language (SEL) is highly desirable as it may be both cause and effect of same political, social and cultural integration of Europe, while bringing its citizens, while remaining anchored to their linguistic and cultural specificity, to acquire a new and profound sense of belonging to a larger community to identify with the European Union.
For this it is necessary that the European Parliament institutes and funds, with the support of all European Union countries, a special organism composed of leading linguists, semioticians and scholars in related subjects with the task of creating this SEL. An institution thus established will follow criterion of convenience and simplicity trying to build a linguistic system as much as possible similar to the way of thinking and talking the peoples of Europe.
Taking as a basis the structure of Indo-European languages, you must create a simplified and rationalized grammar that he will be accompanied a vocabulary of simple and easy to learn, that will be formed taking into account a criterion of comparative etymology, for which the individual words must, in their morphological and syntactic construction, reflect closely as possible the meanings (semantic area) of greater use of their words in national languages, so to facilitate the understanding and learning both culturally both on a practical level.
In creating the SEL will have to take account of its utilitarian value as a means of facilitating economic, social, cultural and as a stimulus for the interchange between the peoples of Europe. So you will not create a perfect language, moreover a purpose than in centuries past you tried to reach several times but in vain, but a language easy and functional, also susceptible to future improvements, keeping in mind a structural basis that goes preserved over time.
With the necessary political support of the Community institutions the SEL thus created may make use of a capillary and concrete diffusion through courses for youth and adults established in schools of every order and degree, in addition we will take advantage of the use of media (TV channels, radio, newspapers, Internet portals), both existing and specially created, that broadcasting contents in SEL will allow an additional spread throughout the European population.
Will be noted in the teaching of SEL the concept that it is created to make it simple and immediate understanding between interlocutors by different mother tongue, so its equidistance from national languages should be maintained as much as possible to avoid losing its reason for being and not become one of the many existing languages or worse risk, through contamination and barbarization, to expire in a pseudo-dialect with differences in pronunciation and syntax of a regional nature. So it is important that it is treated as an exact language, as are many symbolic languages, the mathematical, musical one, Morse code, Braille, which for this are recognized and used worldwide and can not be altered in their form as not to lose meaning and utility.
Therefore, the maker institution of the SEL will supervise its integrity, evolution and future modifications so that the language stays at a stage that enables it to remain a neutral instrument of interlingual communication, without compromising its evolution in the sense of art and literature, which indeed will contribute to its further spread and affection among the population.
We are aware that the task set out to create and disseminate the SEL will be costly, both in economic terms and in the cultural, and require a not certain short period, but only by following this path you will come to a degree of social and cultural integration sufficient to consolidate the construction of the European Community and consequently bring Europe to a level that would allow to compete on the world stage with other major economic and linguistic areas as the U.S.A., China, India, which increasingly are constituting the economic and cultural center of the world at the beginning of the twenty-first century.


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