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Energetic Economy and renewable sources, what future, what prospectis

Alessandro Mannarini

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The developmental stage at which humanity has reached in this first part of the third millennium has brought a level of science and technology than ever before. This has ensured that it would create a near-total domination and exploitation of natural and energetic resources on the planet.
Only in recent decades have begun to understand how this situation can not be more sustainable, both for the ecological balance of the planet for the survival of humanity itself. The logical consequence of this has been an afterthought, by the society, the way we relate to the world, research of a more sensible and aware living together of the inseparable binomial man/nature.
Among the various initiatives put in place to achieve this balance will certainly hold an important role the energy conservation and use of renewable sources of energy.
Energy conservation must be pursued through greater awareness of the exploitation of non-renewable raw materials such as coal, oil, natural gas and derivatives, still the main sources for the creation of electricity and the primary cause of air pollution, higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere and consequent increase of the greenhouse effect.
It follows that such use of these energy sources must be more and more discouraged and fell to his total abandonment and replacement by renewable sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and future development of technology for the use of hydrogen.
The effective use of these sources can only be made with a real revolution in the way of thinking and acting of everyone with us, encouraged, guided and accompanied by a strong political will to change on the part of institutions of different levels and degree, starting from the highest international forums until you reach the local government.
In this logic must therefore be considered very important incentives for the diffusion of photovoltaic systems for energy production and transport powered by electricity, combined with a greater focus in the use of waste differentiated collection, three key points for a real and effective policy aimed at energy saving.

In conclusion, it is clear how the scientific and technological evolution that has gone humanity on the brink of environmental disaster, it also is, fortunately for us, the only means to create a better future for generations to come, if, of course, we awareness and the resolution is necessary in all of us.


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