Arrived early in the second decade of the twenty-first century can be seen increasingly as the traditional representative democracies in the industrialized countries are moving towards a progressive deterioration, mainly due to the increasing disaffection of citizens to political participation manifested mainly in a progressive increase of electoral abstention.
This in turn is due to the now unbridgeable gap formed between the ruling political class and the electorate, which tends increasingly to see first in a caste of privileged that self-perpetuating almost parasitically trying to manage public affairs as a his private business, without taking into account the real needs and demands of civil society, if not showing a semblance of interest in the latter only for electoral purposes only and consensus through the usual promises, then invariably not maintained, and the ostentation of impalpable and generic programs vaguely reformist used propagandisticly.
But now the technology that so much has been developed in recent years, can help almost providential to the need for real political participation by the younger generation to which they aspire, reviving direct democracy in force at the time of classical Athens.
At that time the citizens of the Greek polis could participate directly in community decisions by meeting regularly at the assembly. But this was possible mainly due to the relatively small number of citizens themselves. When the progressive formation of more and more governmental entities and the consequent increase of the population they contain the method of direct democracy was abandoned, this was replaced the first with forms of representative democracy, then with oligarchies, to arrive at forms of monarchy more or less than absolutist mold.
Only in the last two centuries and a half has seen the return of democratic forms of representative from 700's revolutions, the American first, then the French, even to the current presidential or parliamentary republics now present in almost all over the world. But such democratic forms are increasingly showing their limitations especially with regard to the ability to grasp and realize the true expectations of the people subject to them.
But now finally direct democracy can rise through the development of digital interconnect technologies are increasingly penetrating in developed societies, thus overcoming the main problem of the huge number of citizens, the millions, which until now had prevented the creation of a permanent assembly consists of all adult members of the state.
By now, the widespread diffusion of mobile telephony network, with new equipment of last generation, creates a near-total interconnectivity between citizens, allowing real-time virtual creation that assembly of all the people peculiar to Athenian era's direct democracy. Creating special programs (software) designed to operate safely over the mobile network and ensuring the authenticity of the will expressed by the citizens, you can arrange a "Virtual Assembly" with a voting system that quickly and efficiently through the various terminals laptops can permit every citizens to participate in parliamentary practice, allowing it to be a leader in the formulation and approval of the legislation. All this of course to all levels of government, from local up to national and supranational.
This will lead to the overcoming of the systems of parliamentary representation, bringing the same electorate to hold the prerogatives of the legislative power. You only have to maintain a coordinating organ made up of a select number of individuals, legal experts and the various branches of human knowledge, able to direct the input information, coordinating the bills and guaranteeing the purity and legal consistency.
Will remain inevitable permanence of a governmental structure to another guaranteed in its functions by the confidence granted by the majority of "Virtual Assembly", the more streamlined and efficient as no longer bound by old party-dominated rules of division and its high numerical components, but consists of a small circle of members selected from various individuals, proposed by a significant number of citizens, recognized for their special capacity from the same components of "Virtual Assembly". All this beyond the current logic of politics increasingly influenced by lobbies of power often hidden and can not be controlled by public opinion.
This new system of direct democracy, completely eliminating the current separation between the ruling class and the people governed, it will lead to a qualitative leap forward, socially and politically, on a scale never before seen in the long history of humanity.