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The two great problems of the world: pollution and terrorism
and their solution: get rid of the petroleum

Alessandro Mannarini

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The world has two great problems: environmental degradation due to pollution and the growing terrorist threat ravaging our cities.
These two dangers have a common origin, which one? Petroleum!
Petroleum, as fossil energy source still widely used by our industrial and technological civilization, is among the leading producers of pollution. But petroleum is also the greatest source of wealth of those Middle Eastern countries which are also the same who finance it, more or less secretly, Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.
So the solution to get rid of these two great problems are in petroleum free us!
New renewable sources, solar, hydrogen and wind power, can and should be our most effective weapon to rid the world, particularly the West, is that pollution is causing more and more damage, both from energetic and political and financial subjection that we have against these Middle Eastern countries.
These countries, remember that being in most of absolute monarchies cases where democracy and respect for human rights are still struggling to establish itself, once deprived of petroleum hefty revenues, they use one hand to buy more and more shares of Western companies, effectively making them our masters; other funding, in a more or less veiled, the various terrorist groups operating in our countries and contribute to political and social destabilization of the same, will lose much of their power of blackmail that now have on fearful Western democracies, particularly European.
When they no longer have the petroleum power on their side they can not do anything but agree with the Western powers for a true coexistence project founded on mutual respect and helping us to fight effectively against terrorist forces that have recklessly unleashed and who are now fleeing their out of hand, it is becoming a real danger to their own regimes.

The abandonment of petroleum from the Middle Eastern countries will be compensated with the help and investment of Western countries, from development on their territories, mostly unproductive vast desert expanses, but excellent for this purpose, of huge systems aimed at the exploitation of renewable resources such as solar photovoltaic and wind power.
The new structures thus created will also help to decrease the social and demographic pressure in place in recent years on the West, and particularly Europe, due to the multitudes of desperate people who try to enter its borders, as it will be new jobs directly in the countries of the middle East, due before the construction of the plant and then maintaining them.
But given that renewable energies are gaining ground increasingly in Western countries themselves and that can be obtained, in their various forms, in almost the whole world, their exploitation will not be a bargaining chip between countries that possess more and countries that lack it, as happens now with fossil fuels, petroleum in particular.
This fact in itself revolutionary, for the first time in the history of mankind will release the energy market by geopolitical and military logic that for centuries have influenced the relations between states and between peoples, contributing negatively to the current situation, the two problems mentioned beginning, pollution and terrorism, but also of the wars that continue to be fought mostly for the exploitation of energy resources.
All this can happen only in one way: By freeing the world from the Petroleum!
It is now up to the will of governments, spurred by their public opinions, who need to finally realize the great power in their hands, to implement this great project that will only bring the world and all of humanity toward a future of peace and prosperity.


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