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The world at the beginning of the XXI century is in a paradoxical situation in which the economy and finance become globalized increasingly expand beyond the old divisions imposed by the boundaries of countries and out of control of the same nation-states. The latter with its own laws or delegating supranational organizations with a regional or continental dimension seek to impose rules and controls often insufficient to create a network of legal and social protection designed to make the market more equitable and sustainable from an economic profile, from global environmental protection, and from the social and cultural progress of humanity. The recent imbalances and the resulting economic crisis of individual states are also caused by this lack of global order mainly due to the absence of a world government body that can legislate on economic, financial, fiscal, environmental subject. A true world government democratically elected to impose its will and counter the dominance of multinationals and large economic and financial powers more and more prevailing and able to exploit the gaps and differences in legislation between countries. The process in recent years is taking place in various parts of the world towards regional and continental unions of countries aimed at standardizing the legislation and regulations in force in them, such as the European Union, NAFTA, the African Union, ASEAN, Mercosur and other organizations, is still too slow and weak to keep up with the demands imposed by financial markets and economic development, which require clear and equal rules for all. Unfortunately, the slowness and weakness of this unification process is often imposed by increasingly share of public opinion in their respective countries that listening to the populist and nationalist sirens of hostile movements to the process itself can convince themselves that remain clinging to old national patterns born in the XIX century is the solution to the problem of unemployment and the degradation of their society. As a result is imposed their governments a defeatist attitude and not very courageous towards unitary path. By doing so, these groups do not realize the opportunities that you are missing out as the chance to live in a world more united and in solidarity. The same process of unification has various problems, such as decision-making method in legislative reform and adoption of international treaties focused on intergovernmental meetings that is often viewed negatively by the same public opinion, considering it an undemocratic method, or the lack of communication and propaganda the same continental organizations to propagate their ideas and initiatives between the populations concerned, and for this they feel not involved and players in the unitary process. At this point, the process of unification can grow efficiently only if it relates to a democratic and federalist vision that involves all the social components of the various peoples. An Federalism to 5 levels, that starting from the lowest it can canalizes the economic and social energies of the various territories toward a global unification of the states.
The 5 optimal levels of the World Federal System are:
This division optimizes the public government in a increase of responsibilities and tasks, starting from the lowest level of the urban commune, who focused his administration on the maximum relationship between rulers and ruled for solving everyday problems. To move to the region, that with a comprehensive view can better coordinate local development policies and social and health policies. While the national state can impose the necessary steps to the overall development of the social and economic tissue of the nation as a union of citizens joined by a common culture and tradition. The continental state should be seen as a link between the different states for all the economic and social initiatives marked the development of networks and infrastructure, but also policies on the free movement of property and people and the promotion of ideas aimed at overcoming the old national lines. Finally, a only world government which, with its imposition of a global power, higher than any other state associations, subordinate to it, can impose laws and regulations are necessary for the economic and social controlled development of the planet by eliminating the root factor the same conflict between states, mainly due to a poorly distributed wealth created by the exploitation of resources on the part of some states to others. Result of this global power will be the elimination of national armies, replaced by the police forces, and the establishment of a small but efficient world army act to protect the people from any local conflicts. The world government will have to be accompanied by a planetary Congress elected democratically by the people of the Earth, which poses a political control of the government itself and prevents authoritarian tendencies. Such a World Federal System is the only solution that will bring humanity to the prosperity and awareness of their own means and limits have not yet been reached after thousands of years of so-called civilization overshadowed by conflict and destruction.
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